2024   2man Branch Team Championship
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In 2022 we invented a new contest, choose your own 2 man team to compete in a three round event in the month of June consisting of a Scramble, an Alternate shot, and a 2man Best Ball .  The contest was divided into two flights with A/B handicap players in flight one and C/D handicap players in flight two.

The results of the action are listed below.

6/6/2024 6/12/2024 6/20/2024
Flight A - Scramble - Net Flight A - Alternate Shot Flight A - 2manBB Accum
Place Name Total Place Name Total Place Name Total Total
3 Anderson/Garcia 65 5 Garcia/Anderson 71 2 Anderson/Garcia 64 200
7 Espinoza/Bacome 69 4 Espinoza/Bacome 71 1 Espinoza/Bacome 62 202
2 Eriksen/Barton 64 8 Eriksen/Barton 73 3 Eriksen/Barton 65 202
6 Stockton/Shahbazian 69 2 Shahbazian/Stockton 68 4 Shahbazian/Stockton 66 203
5 Martinez/Parker 67 6 Martinez/Parker 72 5 Martinez/Parker 69 208
4 Morgan/McCoy 66 9 Morgan/McCoy 77 8 Morgan/McCoy 72 215
10 Branton/Henricksen 75 7 Branton/Henricksen 73 7 Branton/Henricksen 71 219
Flight B - Scramble - Net Flight B - Alternate Shot  Flight B - 2manBB
Place Name Total Place Name Total Place Name Total
5 Lovgren/Scharbach 72 3 Scharbach/Lovgren 69 1 Lovgren/Scharbach 69 210
4 Briceno/Hamparzoomian 71 4 Hamparzoomian/Briceno 71 4 Hamparzoomian/Briceno 72 214
7 Peters/Neilson 74 2 Neilson/Peters 69 9 Neilson/Peters 80 223
1 Ransom/Boatman 68 8 Ransom/Boatman 78 10 Ransom/Boatman 80 226
6 Beza/Brady 74 9 Brady/Beza 78 8 Brady/Beza 78 230
9 Leyva/Chancey 76 10 Leyva/Chancey 81 7 Leyva/Chancey 76 233
8 Evans/Smith 75 7 Evans/Smith 76 99 250
10 Rathburn/Garoian 83 3 Rathburn/Garoian 71 99 253